Official Class Ring

Official Hardin-Simmons University Ring Information

History of the Hardin-Simmons Official Ring

2004年,中文博彩平台和校友会推出了HSU官方戒指. 这枚戒指, a symbol of pride and accomplishment, 抓住了HSU的核心,让毕业生无论走到哪里都能带着校园精神.

这枚官方戒指象征着大的辉煌历史,以及大学生和校友所取得的重大成就. 订购官方戒指的毕业生是一项终身投资,因为这枚戒指还可以作为与校友和未来毕业生的视觉联系.

大的官方戒指只保留给成功达到大学标准的合格学生和校友. 除了代表毕业于HSU的个人成就之外, 官方戒指也象征着中文博彩平台的传统和伟大的历史. 因此, when you order your Official Ring, you are not only investing in a new tradition and celebrating your graduation, 你也带走了中文博彩平台的快乐回忆,它将永远成为你生活的一部分.


HSU is offering you a Ring in Solaris Elite (a radiant yellow 6kt metal alloy) or Sterling Silver; in your choice of style, 要么大, 常规的, small, or petite; and with amethysts, 立方氧化锆, 或者普通的星星. You can select up to 18 letters to be engraved inside your ring. Upgrades, including diamonds and 10kt or 14kt gold, may be purchased. The standard Ring, however, can be yours for 无额外费用.

To receive your Official HSU Ring, 您必须到穆迪中心来定制您的手指尺寸,并选择定制元素,使这枚戒指独一无二. 一份有效的毕业申请需要在注册办公室存档. 五月毕业的学生将于一月,十二月毕业的学生将于八月/九月进行戒指评定. 每个人都将在大的戒指庆典和颁奖典礼上获得戒指. If you are unable to attend the Ring Ceremony, your ring will be available at Graduation Celebration or at Graduation. If you have any questions regarding your eligibility, 戒指大小, or the ceremony please contact the Office of 校友 Engagement at (325) 670-1317 or 校友

On Campus Ring Sizing Dates


Tuesday, September 3: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Wednesday, September 4: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Thursday, September 5: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friday, September 6: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

View the ring options.


如果您需要重新订购,HSU官方戒指可提供校友折扣.  For more information, call the 校友 Engagement Office at (325) 670-1317.

HSU hosts an Official Ring Ceremony each semester for that semester’s graduates. 秋季开学典礼定于11月举行,春季开学典礼定于4月举行. 毕业生将收到校友参与办公室的电子邮件,其中包含有关仪式的详细信息以及如何回复的说明.

Fall 2024 Ceremonies

  • August and December Graduates: Friday, November 8 at 3:00 P.M. 及下午6时.M. in Logsdon Chapel
  • Physician Assistant Graduates: Friday, November 15 at 3:00 P.M. in Logsdon Chapel
  • Physical Therapy Graduates: Sunday, December 15 in Logsdon Chapel

At the center of the Hardin-Simmons University experience, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ reigns supreme. 藉著祂,我们在属灵、情感和教育上追求卓越.

它是合适的, 然后, that HSU’s Official Ring is made of refined gold, reminding the wearer of the purifying fire of academics, 家庭, 朋友, 和耶稣基督. The Ring is crowned with the university’s official seal. The open book represents the Holy Bible and speaks of the pursuit of knowledge. 十字架提醒我们耶稣基督的牺牲和跟随他的邀请. 圣火既代表了圣灵,也代表了在他的指引下对卓越的追求.

The stars on either side of the founding date, 1891, represent the pioneer Texas preachers, 农场主, 还有其他杰出的公民,他们的远见卓识和牺牲为我们学校的成立做出了贡献. 这些星星还提醒佩戴者,所有那些保持并继续保持HSU遗产的人都在不断发展, often with great personal sacrifice.

边框周围环绕着一个标志着学校强烈的西方传统的窗帘. 这条领带永远围绕着佩戴者和大学,提醒着人们对上帝的信仰. The Legacy shoulder of the ring is dominated by the bucking horse and rider. 1913年,为了纪念学校的牧场传统,西蒙斯学院的球队被命名为“牛仔队”. 1946年,哈佛大学在美国举办了第一届大学生牛仔竞技比赛,这一西方传统得到了加强.

“著名的是你的大厅”这句话出自1917年写的中国赌博平台赞歌. Though the school was little-known 然后, those words were prophetic, as through the years, HSU has indeed become famous through the accomplishments of her students, 校友, 教师, 和工作人员, both on and off the campus. Above these words are six flags representing the flags of Texas, carried since the 1930s by HSU’s White Horse Riders, symbolizing the school’s Texas roots.

学位字母镌刻在这一面的顶部,庆祝佩戴者的成就. Positioned on either side of the wearer’s degree are branches of pecan leaves, reminding us of the shade-providing trees on campus, many of which were planted in 1910 by HSU’s 然后 first lady, 夫人. J.D. Sandefer.

A field of bricks, reminiscent of the classical red brick architecture of the campus, is an appropriate background for HSU’s historic campus bell, now displayed near the Reflection Pond, 这幅画在20世纪之交挂在老主楼里,在过去的20多年里一直是大学的纪念画.

班级年份镌刻在戒指的肩部,以表彰佩戴者独特的HSU经历. 莱格特纪念桥横跨前草坪上的倒影池,是2002年5月高年级学生为纪念K法官而建造的. K. Legett, a founder of the university. The bridge represents the unity experienced on the HSU campus, just as the class ring is a symbol of the unity among all graduates past, 当前的, 和未来的. 它还纪念了在2001年9月11日的悲惨事件之后,这个国家所经历的团结.

The ring pictures the beautiful stained glass window of Logsdon Chapel, completed in 1989, which forms the backdrop for a variety of events, including many weddings. The cross represents Jesus Christ who died to redeem all people. The dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit, our Comforter. The Bible is God’s Word. 同心圆象征着基督徒的影响力不断扩大,因为他们走出去,既要分享福音,又要在生活的各个方面成为基督徒生活的榜样.


上世纪30年代首次出现的紫金相间的许大礼帽,一代又一代的学生都很珍惜. 尽管大一新生在第一学期戴无边帽的传统多年来有所不同, for many it remains a treasured souvenir of student days.

巧妙地隐藏在字母“HSU”中是对学校最受欢迎的偶像之一的致敬, 白色斗牛犬. 有一天,这只可爱的狗让一个餐厅的员工绊倒了,所以它的名字叫“建造大坝”.” (He was called Fritz on Sundays.) When the dog died of pneumonia, his funeral captured international attention. 今天, 他的安息之处就在倒影池附近,池塘上有一个紫色和金色相间的消防栓和一块牌子,上面写着, “建造大坝, 他死了. College Mascot, 1916-1920.”