Undergraduate International 招生

Preparing to study in a foreign country can be very exciting, and the journey to enrollment is a fulfilling experience. 以下国际本科录取步骤旨在帮助您顺利过渡到HSU. Click on each “step” to guide you through the process.  Also, please follow the 国际 admissions deadlines as you apply to HSU.  As always, if you have any questions please email us at 国际.admissions@conch-garment.com. We are 在这里 to help!


Start your 国际 admission application to HSU today! T在这里 is a $75 application fee.  Create a profile and submit the online application. TO APPLY NOW, CLICK HERE.

Please also follow the 国际 admissions deadlines as you apply to HSU.

Need assistance applying? Please see the following 视频教程s:

The 国际 admissions process at HSU is simple. 我们需要以下项目来考虑你作为HSU的国际本科生入学:

  1. Submit your $75 application fee.
  2. Submit transcripts of all secondary work (high school). 成绩单必须是学校或政府官员提供的原始文件或清晰的复印件.
  3. Submit either an official 坐, 行为, or 解释水平理论 test score. HSU国际学生入学的最低考试成绩要求是:
    测试 分数 测试中心 考试日期
    1030* Find a test center View test dates
    行为 20* Find a test center View test dates
    解释水平理论 66* 在线 View test dates

    HSU school codes: 坐-6268, 行为-4096, 托福考试-6268

    *如果你是从美国境内或境外的大学转学.S., you do not need to submit an 坐, 行为 or 解释水平理论 score.  For coursework completed outside of the U.S. 我们需要一个 Education Course Report from International Education Evaluation.  此外,无论大学在哪里,都需要语言能力分数.

  4. 提交托福,雅思或多邻国英语水平测试成绩. HSU国际学生入学的最低英语水平要求是:
    测试 分数 测试中心 考试日期
    托福考试 79 View test centers and dates
    雅思考试 6.5 View test centers and dates
    Duolingo 100 在线 要求
  5. Statement of purpose. 提交一到两页的短文,说明你为什么希望在美国和中文博彩平台学习. 请在你的目的陈述文章中包括你的全名.

In order to study in the United States, 国际学生必须在HSU完成一些移民要求:

  1. Copy of Passport. Submit a copy of your passport.
  2. Provide a statement of financial backing. 在I-20表格签发之前,学生必须填写一份签名的表格 Statement of Financial Backing form and include supporting evidence; i.e. bank statements, savings accounts, etc. You will also submit these documents to the U.S. Consulate when applying for your visa.
  3. Pay enrollment deposit. 支付您的入学押金($3,000美元),并确保您在HSU的位置. 这笔入学保证金也是你向学校支付的第一笔学杂费. 入学保证金将通过HSU入学门户网站或电汇以信用卡支付. To pay via wire transfer, please email our office at 国际.admissions@conch-garment.com for detailed instructions.
  4. Sign up for I-20 shipping. 要注册HSU来运送您的I-20文件,您需要访问我们的合作伙伴 SASS-SmartShip website. Once you sign up, 从下拉菜单中选择中文博彩平台来创建您的I-20运输. HSU将收到一个运输标签,以便快速邮寄您的I-20. 一旦您的文档已发送,您将收到通知,以便您可以监控交付.
  5. 支付SEVIS费用. To pay your SEVIS fee proceed to the following official DHS website 在这里. For instructions on paying your SEVIS fee, view this 视频教程.
  6. Schedule a Visa interview. 为了安排您的签证面谈,您需要访问以下网站 U.S. State Department website and complete the online nonimmigrant visa application (DS-160). Prior to your visa interview, you will need to review the F-1 Visa Interview Checklist and take those items with you on your interview date. Download a paper copy of this list 在这里.

在你被大学录取并完成你的移民要求之后, 为了注册课程并为你的到来做准备,你需要完成一些额外的项目:

  1. 完成 Terms of Agreement. 协议条款需要在每学期注册前完成. You can complete this 在中大 by:
    • 登录到 许中央 using your username and password
    • Go to “Students” in the self-service menu (right side)
    • Select “登记”
    • Select “Terms of Agreement”
    • Read the Terms of Agreement, Accept, and Submit
  2. Accept  Scholarship 在中大. 你需要进入许中央,在右侧的自助服务菜单中接受奖学金, clicking Students and then Financial 援助>Financial 援助 Information.
  3. Register for Classes. 在许中央和右侧自助服务菜单中回复建议电子邮件以便注册课程, clicking Students and then Academic Profile>My class schedule.

HSU将通过从阿比林地区机场提供交通服务来协助您到达我们的校园, and will also make sure your housing is ready when you arrive. 为了准备您的到来,必须完成以下项目:

  1. 完成一个 Housing Request 在中大. 您的住宿申请需要按照以下步骤在许中央完成 housing request instructions. 如果您有任何疑问,请通过电话+1(325)670-1252或电子邮件与您的国际招生顾问或住宿生活部门联系 residencelife@conch-garment.com.
  2. 完成 Student Health Form 在MedProctor. 学生健康表需要由您的医疗保健提供者完成并填写. 请注意, the Meningitis immunization (if under the age of 22), MMR immunization (two doses) , 在HSU学习时需要进行结核病筛查和免疫接种.
  3. 完成 Arrival Form and Review Pre-departure Checklist. In order to prepare for your arrival, 请您在出发前填写好抵达表并检查好出发前的核对表. HSU将通过从阿比林地区机场提供交通服务来协助您到达我们的校园, and will also make sure your housing is ready when you arrive.

国际学生必须在抵达HSU校园之前向学生账户支付第一笔款项. 请确保您的第一笔款项在以下付款截止日期之前通过许中央支付:

Payment Deadlines:

  • 秋季:8月1日
  • Spring January 5

看一看 Step-By-Step Guide 使用“缴费通”在中大进行首次付款. 有关如何电汇资金的说明,请与HSU商务办公室联系 businessoffice@conch-garment.com or +1 (325) 670-1001.


Undergraduate International 奖学金

我们为尽我们所能使HSU尽可能负担得起而感到自豪. 此链接将引导您进入HSU录取的本科国际学生的内部和外部奖学金机会列表.



Important Deadlines & Dates for International 招生

为了有最大的机会被接受和到达HSU作为国际学生, 请在这些重要日期之前完成您的申请并提交所需的所有文件.


group photo of HSU students at International Week on campus

Arrival Planning

我们很高兴你决定加入我们HSU的大家庭,我们将帮助你作为一名新学生抵达校园. As you prepare to come study at HSU, 这个链接将引导您到您作为国际学生抵达校园的清单.


students place thier hands together on a globe

International Student Services

我们热爱HSU的国际学生,我们有一个专门的办公室,有一个充满爱心的工作人员,他们会在你在美国学习期间为你提供支持. Think of HSU as your home away from home!
